mardi 3 avril 2012

3.     STARLIGHT              (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) E Abdill RSCDS Bk 44

1- 8       1s      cross RH, cast 1 place, 2 PdB in turn right about to face   opposite sides & set as double triangle
9-16      1s      dance  out, cast round 1st corners into centre
      WHILE     2s+3s  Adv+Ret,
             1s      2 PdB towards each other  & turn right about to face
                      up/down    & set as double triangles
17-24    1s     dance   up/down, cast to right to 2nd place own sides
      WHILE     2s+3s  Adv+Ret,
             1s     dance   RH across (1L   with 2s & 1M +3s) end facing 1st crnrs
25-32      1s     dance  'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to  2nd places

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