jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Loch Leven
Photos d'Ecosse ( Glencoe ) fin août 2012
Near Glencoe
Bruce's Men 

Ce soir nous avons répété les danses pour la Démo du Telethon (8 décembre à St Honoré)

City of Belfast            S3x32           Musique originale de Marian Anderson

 March Hare              R3x32           sur la musique de Annan Reel


Drumelzier                 S4x32        sur la musique de Jenny's Magic Touch

Trip to Bavaria           R4x32  sur la musique de First of September

Wind on Loch Fyne   S3x32           musique originale

Shiftin' Bobbins         R8x32           musique originale

MacPherson's Jig       J3x32           sur la musique de Misses Cramb of Linlithgow


jeudi 5 juillet 2012

Ce soir on a accueilli un débutant pas mal doué qui a semblé
 prendre plaisir à partager nos danses:

The Dhoon                         J4x32

Virginia Reel                     R8x40

vendredi 22 juin 2012

Danses de Ann Dix
Шотландские танцы: C'est l'Amour ou The Flirt
C'est l'Amour" jig : Moscow-2008 , Irene Bennett&Malcolm Brown's workshop, musicians: Ken Martlew and Barbara Manning


mercredi 20 juin 2012

♫ Scottish Music - Will Ye No Come Back Again ♫

Andy Stewart I Belong to Glasgow       Glasgow Highlanders   S8x32

Scotland's Towns: St Andrews              St Andrews Fair   J8x32
C'est là que nous pouvons suivre un stage de Danse Ecossaise en juillet ou en août à
University Hall grâce à la Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (

Scotland's Towns: Paisley                     Paisley Weavers   S8x32   Haynes

mardi 12 juin 2012

DANCE STEPS                            
                    Une danseuse m'a demandé si au moment du Hop dans le Strathspey Travelling Step il fallait que le pied se "détache" du sol, je lui ai répondu que oui (sauf pour moi qui ai mal au genou (je fais un semblant de Hop))...!!!
Alors j'ai recherché mes vieux books de la RSCDS et en voilà des extraits...

                                                             Manuel 2005

                                                   Manuel  1981

                                                              Manuel 1965

Tartan Dreams scottish dance workshop  Moscow

samedi 9 juin 2012

Alliance Grenoble-Oxford   8 juin 2012
Soirée tout à fait réussie avec l'animation du Club de SCD de Grenoble
Le Chardon du Dauphiné

The Jubilee Jig_Moscow Summer SCD Ball (June 6, 2009)

The Royal Channel

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Message, 5 June 2012
QUEENS SPEECH 9th May 2012 ~Diamond Jubilee

THEQUEEN CITY SALUTE (M-8x(S32+R32)) 3C (4C set)
G Birdsall RSCDS Bk 37
Strathspey: -
1- 8 1scast, meetbelow 3s, dance up to meet 2s who cast up& dance in to face 1s, 1s+2s set
9-16 2s+1scircle 4H round & back
17-20 1s dancePetronella turn to end middle Lady at top facing down& Man facing up
AS 2s+3schange places RH on the sides,
3s+1s+2s set
21-24 1s dance Petronella turnto 2nd place opposite sides AS 3s+2scross RH,
3s+1s+2s set
25-28 1M+2M change places LH AS 1L+2Lchange RH,
3M+2M change places RH AS 3L+2Lchange places LH
29-32 3M+1M change places LH AS 3L+1Lchange LH,
2s+1s+3s cross RH
Reel: -
1-32 Repeatabove in reel time

mercredi 6 juin 2012


                 E Orr  RSCDS Bk 45
 1- 8      All circle 8H round & back
            9-16       1s+3s dance the Swirl: - Turn partner RH into Allemande hold, dance LSh round other couple 1/2 way,    dance LH across 3/4 way & swirl to face side couples (BtoB with ptnr & Lady facing Man
      17-24   All  dance reels of 4 across                                                                                            
           25-32     All set, dancing couples dance out between side couples, cross & cast, change places RH with partner back to place
                          33-40     All set, advance with partners, retire diagonally with corner
41-48      1L+4M dance R&L with 3L+2M (on diagonal)
   49-56     1M+2L dance R&L with 3M+4L (other diagonal)
       57-64     All set with corners, Adv+Ret with partners & set
65-88     2s & 4s repeat bars 9-32
89-96     All circle 8H round & back

THE CLANSMAN  (R8x32)  2C (4C set)
 D Haynes  RSCDS Bk 32
 1- 8         1s cross RH & cast off 1 place, 2s+1s dance 1/2 RH across & set
 9-16       1s+2s dance R&L, ending with Men turning Ladies into centre to form a line across
17-24      1s+2s dance the Targe : -
                                    `17-18      1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH  WHILE  Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise  
`19-20       1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man full turn LH
                                  `21-22       1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH  WHILE  Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
                                           `23-24     1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man turn LH to end on sides 1s facing up & 2s facing down
            25-32     2s+1s set facing on sides, turn to face partners & set, 1s lead up crossing RH & cast to 2nd place on own sides

THE WATERNISH TANGLE  (J8x32)  3C (4C set)
                                                                            A Barfoot  Skye Coll 2
 1- 8         1s cross down RH, set, cross down LH & set
 9-16       1s cross RH, change places on sides with 3s LH,
             2s+1s cross RH & 3/4 turn LH on sides to form line of 4 across
17-24      2s+1s dance the Targe : -
              `17-18      1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
             `19-20      1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man full turn LH
             `21-22      1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
            `23-24      1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man turn LH to end on sides to 2(1)3
25-32     1s cross down below 3s, cast up,dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place

SANDS OF MORAR  (S8x32)  3C (4C set)
                 B Priddey  RSCDS Bk 45
 1- 8         1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s giving hands when meeting
 9-16       1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s dance down between 2s to begin)
            17-24      1s turn 2H, dance down to 3rd pl (in middle) AS  2s+3s dance up & down behind them, all set facing down, 1s followed by 2s+3s cast up to orig pls
25-32     1s+2s dance the Tourbillon : -
             `1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies side & 2s on Men’s side, 1s set to 2s
                `1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides
THE SINGING SANDS  (S3x32)  3C set
                 B Priddey  Silver Rose
 1- 8         1s & 2s dance the Tourbillon : -
                `1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies side & 2s on Men’s side, 1s set to 2s
                `1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides
 9-16        1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Man round 2s & Lady round 3s), 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 (Man with 3s & Lady with 2s)
17-24      1s dance Diag R&L to end 3 1 2
25-32     All set, 3s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way  WHILE  2s cross RH & all chase clockwise 1/2 way to end 2 3 1

ALLTSHELLACH  (S8x32)  2C (4C set                                                                                                                                             E Gilroy  RSCDS Bk 23
 1- 8         1s+2s set to partners, turn 2H & dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette
 9-16       1s followed by 2s lead down & back to original places (2s dividing & turn in behind 1s)
               17-24      1s+2s dance reel of 4 across (1L & 2M passing LSh to start)
25-32     1s+2s dance Tournee: -
              `1s+2s dance in prom hold (Men with partner on right, 1s face Men’s side & 2s face Ladies) 1s+2s wheel anticlockwise 1/2 way,
                `Men turn Ladies into middle (2s RH, 1s LH), both couples turn 1.1/2 times with same hand & dance out to       places

                 R M Campbell  SCD Leaflet 2
 1- 8         1s turn RH, cast 1 place, 3/4 turn RH, 1L dances up & casts round 2L  AS  1M dances down to 3rd place & casts up round 3M to 2nd place
                9-16       1s turn 1st corners RH pass partner RSh, turn 2nd corners RH & pass partner RSh to 2nd place own sides              
17-24      1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s dancing out & up to start), 1s & 2s continue reel with extra loop to end 1 2 3
          25-32     1s+2s dance Tournee : -
                `1s+2s dance into prom hold (Men with partner on right, 1s face Men’s side & 2s face Ladies side) & wheel anticlockwise 1/2 way
                              `Men turn Ladies into middle (2s RH, 1s LH), both couples turn 1.1/2 times with same hand & dance out to places

The Rondel

Шотландские танцы: The Silver Tassie

mardi 5 juin 2012

Hier, nous étions au Conservatoire Jean Wiener pour un concert donné en l'honneur
de visiteurs anglais de Kimberley dans le cadre du Jumelage Echirolles_Kimberley, suivi d'un Ceilidh très animé,avec en Démo la Celtic Jig dansée par Cl..., Jacques et Ch...
A Méaudre nous avons rencontré N... de Birmingham qu'on reconnaît sur cette video

et également sur la suivante où l'on reconnaît aussi R...
RSCDS Birmingham - New Year's Eve 2010

Burn's Supper Demonstration (part 2)

Burns Supper Demonstration - 27.01.2011 - Stratford-upon-Avon (part 2)

Burn's Supper Demonstration (part 2)

RSCDS Birmingham - New Year's Eve 2010

RSCDS Birmingham - New Year's Eve - 2009

The Annan Reel--Baton Rouge Scottish Country Dancers
Je reconnais la musique d'Antarctica Bound...

RSCDS Birmingham at the Lichfield Folk Festival, 18th June 2011

Birmingham RSCDS - White Rose Festival - Leeds 2010

Et encore notre amie Nicola
The Shepherds Crook - White Rose Festival - Leeds, 9th July 2011

RSCDS Birmingham at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Orkney Reel

Birmingham RSCDS Spring Dance - Shirley 19 March 2011 - The Zoologist (encore)

The Chequered Court - Scottish Country Dancing teaching session

dimanche 3 juin 2012

Je reviens d'un Week-end à Méaudre tout à fait réussi: deux teachers pour les SCD dont l'une également pour le Highland Fling.
Mais le plus remarquable c'est la participation dynamique et joyeuse des petits danseurs de Méaudre. Quel progrès depuis 2009 pour les plus anciens d'entre eux!
Tout était parfaitement organisé. Parmi les danseurs on a compté trois Anglais, deux Allemands, un Néerlandais...Un grand merci aux organisateurs!

Danses enseignées par notre ami de Newcastle

Auchinellan Jig
Birdman (The)
Butterscotch & Honey
De'il amang the Tailors
Joie de Vivre
Miss Fidler's Jig
Peter & Madeleine Quince
Tambourine Reel
Tribute to the Borders

Danses enseignées par notre amie de Lyon
M'étant abonnée à rexstewart4ever, je reçois leurs dernières videos...

The Robertson Rant - SCDS of Berlin - 2nd May 2012

Wind on Loch Fyne  - The HOPaLOTS - Whitsunday 27.05.12

Domino Five    - The HOPaLOTS - Whitsunday 27.05.12
Vous avez reconnu la musique de Fisherman's Reel?

The Reel of Five - The Berlin HOPaLOTS - 27th May 2012

The Sound of Harris - The HOPaLOTS - Whitsunday 2012

The Annan Reel  - The HOPaLOTS - Whitsunday 27.05.12